Understanding Christian Stewardship by Peter J. Blackburn
1. Because God made me. Because God made me, because it is all his, because I am to be a responsible steward of all that I am and have… how should I then live?

2. Because God loves me. Because God loves me… Yes, that stirs my love, my action. To what extent are my life and actions motivated by God’s love for me, and by his love within me for others? Because God loves me… how should I live – and give?

3. Because God saves me. I am not my own. I have been bought with a price (1 Cor. 7.19-20). Jesus gave his all for me. Can I give less than my all to him? Because God saves me… I want all that I am and have to be available to him.

4. Because I trust God. Because I trust God… Yes, the Lord is calling me to action in many, many fronts. Part of that is giving – returning portion of what he has first given me, and knowing that he will ensure I have all I need (Matthew 6.33).

5. There's work to do. Are my time, talents and possessions available so that the body of Christ can fulfil his mission here? Bring in the full tithes and offerings – there’s work to do!