A Covenant of Prayer
Father, you have loved me with an everlasting love, even when I have not loved you in return.
Jesus, Son of God, you died on the cross, paying the penalty for my sins.
Holy Spirit, you impressed on me the Father’s love and the redemptive work of Jesus the Son. You brought me to faith to be born again and so to find my place within the Father’s family.
God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - I joyfully and freely commit and submit myself to you.
I am no longer my own but yours.
Teach me how to pray.
Give me an appreciation of others in your family, so that I may help them and be helped by them and so that we may be your Body.
Help me to acknowledge the gifts you have given me for the benefit of your Body.
Help us together to express your will by life and word so that others too will come to rejoice with us in your salvation and love and be part of your family here.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

My Personal Covenant
I reaffirm my faith in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord.
I commit myself to a regular practice of prayer and the study of God’s Word, the Bible.
I commit myself to the worship, life and witness of this congregation of God’s people.
I covenant to pray each day for the following regular members of our congregation and to encourage them in their faith and life - _______________________________________________________________
I covenant to pray each day for the following person or family not presently a believing and active part of our church life and to seek opportunity to offer friendship.
Signed _____________________________ Date _______________
(This covenant is truly between you and the Lord. It is a private document. Keep it, read it and live out your commitment. The Lord will be with you and will reveal his presence in our midst. If you desire, you may discuss any part of this covenant with our minister or one of the elders. You may choose to make this covenant jointly with a prayer partner.)  
Available as a PDF document [243kB] in the format in which it was presented to Burdekin Uniting Church members.