There seem to be quite a number of people in today's world who are looking for "loop-holes" in the tax system or a "way out" of some other situation in their lives - always giving the minimum of themselves.
Others - how do they do it? - just keep going, always looking for another way to be useful, another opening to serve - giving their maximum.
As we reflect on the life of Jim Secomb, we know that he was a maximum kind of person - quiet, humble, but always seeking an opening to serve.
Jim contributed to the life of Church at Synod and Presbytery levels as well as locally. His clear-thinking perceptive advice was always welcomed. In this local area, his work for the Maroochy Parish, giving his time as Parish Secretary, editing the "Contact" magazine...At the time of his passing, he was an Elder, an active member of the Property Committee and had just taken up a twelve-month appointment as Buderim Church Treasurer.
Jim was also actively involved in the Buderim War Memorial Community Association, playing a key role during the restoration work on the community hall. He continued as our Church representative on that Association.
But the most significant side of Jim was seen by those of us who knew his clear and simple faith - who heard him pray. Here was the motivation that stirred him to seek another opportunity to serve. More than one has said to me that "we know where Jim has gone." We say that, not because of his committed work in Church and community, but because of his simple trust in Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord - a faith that continually stirred him into action.
The Lord said to the church of Philadelphia, "I have opened a door in front of you, which no one can close" (Rev. 3.8c). May God grant us all to live with a clear and simple faith in him and always "look for an opening to serve"!
© Peter J. Blackburn 1999