Some groups are lively places to share and learn and grow. And there can be a great deal of fun on the way! We have done our best to visit all the home groups in Ayr and Home Hill during the last few weeks, so I can vouch for that!
If you haven't been in one of these groups yet, now is a good time to join one. Or, if none of the times is suitable for you, let's explore the possibility of a new group - there are probably others in the same boat as you!
In one of the groups recently, the chance comment came up, "Of course, Christians have to toe the line!"
For me that sparked off a whole new line of thought. Later this year, the Olympic Games will be in Sydney. All the athletes have to "toe the line", don't they?
A great deal of attention is being focussed lately on keeping the Games "drug-free". The use of performance-enhancing drugs has cast a shadow over previous Games - and other sporting events. These events need to be fair and the medals awarded to those who genuinely deserve them.
In another sense, athletes have to "toe the line" and not start before the signal is given. However, once the signal is given, the race is on! From that point the athlete isn't supposed to be toeing the starting line, but striving for the finishing line!
Are you "in the race"? Trusting in Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord is the only place to begin! Worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, witness... these are all part of keeping on track as we run the race, for we need the presence and grace of Christ ministered through the Holy Spirit as we strive forward to the goal.
Are we as a church still "on track"? How do we understand our mission? Are we trying to "toe the line" - maintain our status quo, our comfort zones, our cherished traditions? or are we "in the race" - reaching forward to the goals Christ continues to set before us? Are we planning our church life based on the Great Commission? or do we have other agendas?
© Peter J. Blackburn, Burdekin Link, April 2000
Except where otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, © International Bible Society, 1983.