Simon of Cyrene is a poetic meditation by Simon of Cyrene.
It represents reminiscences of Simon at a much later time when
he has reflected on the events of that day in the light of Christian
faith. And the name and experience of Simon would surely not
have appeared in the gospel record if he had not become a member
of the Christian community.
Long and tedious was the road that brought me to Jerusalem! How I longed for Passover!
Merchant shipping was delayed -
Late along the road I came,
Tiring, so I could not run,
Now I see a dusty cloud
Passover I've come to eat,
Now I see one bruised and goaded,
Hand upon me, voice commanding,
Cross I carry, load I lighten,
Heavy beam that low had bowed him
"It is finished!" hear him crying
Passover - the lamb is slain,