The Narrow Door

The Narrow Door poses questions about the demands of the Kingdom of God. Will Jesus gather his followers together as a political force, a moral force, a pressure group or "a place of safety in a corrupt society"? There are people throughout church history who have viewed the Kingdom in terms of one or other of these options. The drama itself simply raises those options and provides a backdrop for the reading with its sombre warning for "fellow-travellers" with no commitment to the Kingdom or knowledge of the King.
Naggai and Heli live in a small Galilean town. They have been to hear Jesus a couple of times. Now he is in their town on his way to Jerusalem.
NAGGAI:I like the teaching of Jesus, Heli.
HELI: And it's not just what he says or how he says it, Naggai.
NAGGAI:He's certainly not like the scribes and Pharisees!
HELI:It's his whole personality! It's who he is as a person!
NAGGAI:Well?... Who is he?
HELI:That's a tricky one! I wasn't quite meaning that!
NAGGAI:I don't think anyone is game to say at the moment. The other comparisons have irked the officials enough!
HELI:He talks a lot about the Kingdom of God.
NAGGAI:So many folk must have heard him!
HELI:Is he planning to gather them all together?
NAGGAI:As a kind of political force?
HELI:A moral force, maybe.
NAGGAI:Added together - if he really drew them together - there have been a lot of interested people!
HELI:Could be a pressure group to change the world!
NAGGAI:At least a place of safety in a corrupt society!
Reader:Luke 13.22-30.

From Between the Lines. Dialogues for Worship by Peter J. Blackburn published by Testimonium Fellowship 1992, (c) Peter J. Blackburn.
Permission is given for copying of this document for local use with this copyright notice intact. For any other proposed use the specific permission of Peter J. Blackburn must be sought.

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