Don't Worry!

Don't Worry follows closely The Rich Fool. If desired, the two could well be used together on the one occasion, in which case the introduction to this drama would need to be modified or omitted altogether. There is no reason, of course, why the two may not be used on occasions separated from one another. As this drama highlights, worry is something that can affect all people, whether rich or poor.
Philip and Andrew have listened carefully as Jesus spoke to a man wanting a better share of his deceased father's property. Jesus went on to tell the man and those who were listening a story about a rich fool.
PHILIP:Wow! What a story, Andrew!
ANDREW:Yes, Philip. The rich fool thought he had everything - was going to settle down contented!
PHILIP:The rich fools I know aren't quite like that!
ANDREW:How do you mean?
PHILIP:They're never satisfied! never rich enough! always want more!
ANDREW:Good point! But Jesus told the story to make a different point.
PHILIP:Well, he warned against greed.
ANDREW:Because our life isn't just what we've got.
PHILIP:And that was his punch line, wasn't it? It's your relationship with God - being rich towards God - that counts!
ANDREW:But I felt for that fellow. I don't know his situation - but it's possible to be so far down in the pile that life becomes really tough!
PHILIP:Worry is a constant fact of life for the poor.
ANDREW:I don't know if worry is a fact of life so much as a way of life. Some poor people I know are incredibly happy!
PHILIP:Good point! And I know some rich people who always look gloomy.
ANDREW:So the rich get caught up in the worry habit too!
PHILIP:But for the poor it's the basics - food and clothing!
ANDREW:And for us all - where does our relationship to God and his Kingdom fit in?
Reader:Luke 12.22-31.

From Between the Lines. Dialogues for Worship by Peter J. Blackburn published by Testimonium Fellowship 1992, (c) Peter J. Blackburn.
Permission is given for copying of this document for local use with this copyright notice intact. For any other proposed use the specific permission of Peter J. Blackburn must be sought.

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