
Martha is a short monologue. In our first presentation, it was memorised and acted very effectively. A shawl, a duster and a little basket with food helped create atmosphere. If you expect action, you will, of course, need a roving microphone. It can be presented simply as a reading - without props. However, though short, it is a demanding piece and deserves one of your most expressive readers.
Reader: Luke 10.38-39.
MARTHA:I'm so glad to see Jesus again. Now, let me see - we've got leeks and garlic and dates. Some roast lamb wouldn't go amiss. I might have to use some left-overs - but I don't like to do that for Jesus! It's got to be something special - just for him! So perhaps instead of warming up that roast lamb from yesterday, we might have some fresh fish. That would be nice! I'd better send Mary down to the fish market.

Oh... she's sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to him! Fine for her, but not fair for me! I'm sure it would be nice to listen to Jesus, but we don't have time! There's a bit more dusting and sweeping to do. Only one jar of water - I know it's enough, but for a special guest we must go to the well and draw some fresh. The herbs bought yesterday would do at a pinch, but I don't like it when the visitor's as important as Jesus! Amazing how those flowers have lasted. Three days old and looking as fresh as new. Of course, I know - and Mary knows - that they aren't as fresh as new at all. We need some new flowers!

Oh... she's still sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to him! Fine for her, but not fair for me! We don't have time to listen to Jesus - he's too important a guest by far. I can't cope! I can't stand the injustice of it! I'll just have to break in! I must have Mary's help!

Reader:Luke 10.40-42.

From Between the Lines. Dialogues for Worship by Peter J. Blackburn published by Testimonium Fellowship 1992, (c) Peter J. Blackburn.
Permission is given for copying of this document for local use with this copyright notice intact. For any other proposed use the specific permission of Peter J. Blackburn must be sought.

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