At Caesarea Philippi

At Caesarea Philippi gives reflections of two disciples, Philip and Thomas, on Peter's confession about Jesus. What were the implications of this discovered truth? Surely it was only a matter of time now before the Jewish leaders accepted Jesus and opened the possibility of a whole new future for them all!
Reader:Luke 9.18-20.
THOMAS:Peter answered well for us, Philip.
PHILIP:He did, Thomas. "The Messiah, the Son of God" ... it's almost scary to say it, but I think we've all come to believe it's the truth about Jesus.
THOMAS:I'm glad Jesus asked us that question up here at Caesarea Philippi - away from the pressures of the officials!
PHILIP:You're right! They've had all their own questions about who Jesus is, haven't they?
THOMAS:Perhaps they see themselves as the keepers of the truth.
PHILIP:Or else they are afraid of their own position.
THOMAS:How do you mean?
PHILIP:It's one thing officially looking out for God's Messiah...
THOMAS:And checking out anyone who claims to be...
PHILIP:But when the Messiah actually comes, what happens to their role then?
THOMAS:So they may take a bit of convincing, but when they know the evidence, when they see what we have seen, when they know that Jesus isn't out for his own thing...
PHILIP:I think they might get behind him!
THOMAS:I wonder what Jesus will do now.
PHILIP:Well, if Peter is right, I would expect him to have a grand plan.
THOMAS:You mean - to do with the Kingdom of heaven?
PHILIP:I think Jesus is about to reveal himself.
THOMAS:To everybody?
PHILIP:I think so. And the elders, the chief priests and teachers of the Law will all get behind him!
THOMAS:And the whole Jewish people will acknowledge that their Messiah has come!
PHILIP:And the Roman authorities find themselves kicked out of the land...
THOMAS:And Jesus is crowned as King of the Jews...
PHILIP:And we become like his inner cabinet...
THOMAS:Wow! Sounds great!
PHILIP:But wait! Listen!
Reader:Luke 9.21-27.

From Between the Lines. Dialogues for Worship by Peter J. Blackburn published by Testimonium Fellowship 1992, (c) Peter J. Blackburn.
Permission is given for copying of this document for local use with this copyright notice intact. For any other proposed use the specific permission of Peter J. Blackburn must be sought.

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