Keeping our Bearings
Six Studies by Peter J. Blackburn
for Home Bible Study Groups
Great leaders with a vision from God are concerned to make sure that those who follow them after they are gone will "keep their bearings" - remaining focussed on the central issues. These six studies look at some of the last instructions of Moses, Joshua, David, Paul and Jesus.
Note: These studies are all "ready to go" in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Study 1: Don't Forget the Lord! Deuteronomy 8. Part of Moses' last instructions to the Israelites.
Study 2: Choosing the Lord - Joshua 23-24.1-27. Joshua's final instructions to the Israelites.
Study 3: The Lord is with You - 1 Chronicles 28.20-21; 29.10-20. David's final instructions to Solomon and to the people.
Study 4: Keep Watch! Acts 20.13-38. Paul's final words to the Ephesian elders.
Study 5: Loving and Serving - Jesus' words to the disciples in the Upper Room and to Peter after the resurrection.
Study 6: You are Witnesses - Matthew 28.16-20; Luke 24.44-49. Jesus' passes on the great commission
Keeping our Bearings © Peter J. Blackburn 2004. Permission is given for this study to be copied in its entirety for group use. Courtesy advice of the use of these studies would be appreciated. Any other proposed use must have the written permission of the author. Email Peter Blackburn. Back to Bible Studies