General Session Plan for Module 1

This will need to be adjusted according to the material (e.g. some sessions have only one teaching block). From the second session, plan to have one of the participants lead the opening devotions. Each session includes input on a religion/sect/movement and the story of a Christian leader. Sometimes these are related to the overall session theme. The purpose, however, is that they be taken in a manner which is not so “heavy” as the doctrinal teaching. Extra!!! gives input on important matters which are not directly covered in the sessions.

7.30pm Devotions
7.45pm Teaching #1
8.15pm Religion / Sect / Movement
8.30pm Prayer Cells
8.45pm Teaching #2
9.10pm Christian Leader Story
9.20pm For next week
9.25pm Closing Devotions
9.30pm Close
#1 Basics.
 Growing Disciples
Growing Disciples